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Species Inc. is an ecological consulting company based in Ottawa, Ontario. We strive to be an industry leader in providing cost-effective, efficient, and professional services on local and international scales. Species Inc. understands that by improving knowledge, cooperation, and diffusion of best practices across regions, as well as strengthening local capacities for environmental stewardship, it is possible to promote biodiversity conservation while developing in a sustainable manner. 

​Our staff has extensive experience collaborating with the federal and municipal governments as well as many organisations in the private sector. Species Inc. receives in-kind contributions from these entities as well. We hope to work with as many like-minded companies, international government agencies, NGOs, and communities as possible to create a propensity for lasting change. Please contact us if you would like more information regarding project work, potential partnership or collaboration.


Michael Anissimoff

Michael holds a Master of Science degree (Sustainability Science and Environmental Studies) from  Lund University, Sweden. Mike's wealth of experience in conservation biology, clean-tech and environmental consulting sectors, has provided him with a keen awareness and unique perspective of environmental, social, and economic systems from a local to global scale. Mike's contribution to Species Inc. includes providing strategic advice on the development and management of projects, business cases, species inventories, and helping the business manage stakeholders and penetrate markets.


Lucy Meng

Lucy holds a Master of Science degree in life sciences from Carleton University, Canada. Lucy specialises in acoustic data collection and extraction, particularly with birds and bats. Lucy's contribution to Species Inc. includes project-specific fieldwork, data collection, management, and  analysis with particular attention to acoustic modelling.

Gerhard Bruins

Gerhard holds a Bachelor of Science degree (Animal Science) from the University of Manitoba, Canada, as well as a Bachelor of Science degree (Agricultural Engineering and Tropical/ Subtropical Agriculture) from the National Agricultural College in The Netherlands. Thirty plus years of experience within the fields of agriculture, hazardous materials, and wildlife biology has equipped Gerhard with exceptional program and project management skills. Gerhard's contribution to Species Inc. includes the management of fieldwork, research, and conservation initiatives.

Thomas Villeneuve

Thomas holds a Master of Science degree (Biology) from Carleton University, Canada. Thomas' extensive experience with monitoring birds by sight, sound, and radar, allows him to make positive contributions to all kinds of project work, including ecosystem modelling. Thomas' contribution to Species Inc. includes project-specific fieldwork, data collection/analysis, and expert advice for projects related to species recovery.

Way up north:

Our director teamed up with Boreal Birds on their James Bay shorebirds project, click below and read about the trip way up north. Well done Gerhard!

Image credit:: Gerhard Bruins, Candice Talbot
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